Listmania! Great Baby Shower Gifts » Teeny Manolo

Listmania! Great Baby Shower Gifts

By Glinda

For some reason, there has been a mini baby boom over the past few years, and no less than five people I know are currently expecting.  That’s a lot of babies, which turns into a lot of baby showers to attend.  And because I love my friends, I will suck it up and grudgingly gladly play umpteen games of “Baby Bingo” and guessing how many diaper pins are in the jar.

Baby registries are highly popular, but sometimes new mothers don’t know what they need.  They think they know what they need, but they really don’t.  How do I know? Because I was one of them. 

So, that is where Glinda steps in to help to find you the best of the best.

 Diaper Dekor Plus

Diaper Dekor Plus Diaper Disposal System

If the mom-to-be is using disposable diapers, this is the way to go. A bit more expensive than the Genie, it is a similar but improved version.  As an added bonus, you can operate it with one hand.

Petit Appetit Organic Cookbook

Petit Appetit Cookbook: Easy, Organic Recipes to Nurture Your Baby and Toddler

I like this book because it doesn’t stop at recipes for only babies, it continues with meals for toddlers. This greatly increases its versatility, and new moms need all the versatility they can get! 

Built NY Double Thirsty Tote

Built NY Double Thirsty Tote

This neoprene holder allows you to strap on two feeding bottles, sippy cups, cans, or whatever onto pretty much anything, anywhere.  Also comes in black, pink, and blue.

PRIMO EuroBath Pearl White

PRIMO EuroBath

Cradles your newborn snugly, so that you don’t have to hold them with one hand and bathe them with the other, which is a very slippery process!  It converts into a toddler tub to be used up to 24 months.

Halo Early Walker SleepSack

Halo Early Walker SleepSack

This sleeper sack makes sure your baby is kept warm, as blankets are no longer recommended for use in cribs.  Unlike other sleep sacks, it has legs that enable your child to stand when they are ready instead of being confined in fabric with no outlet.  Because nothing makes a kid more upset than not being able to stand up when they want to, especially right after waking up.

PortaMEe Hip Carrier

PortaMEe Hip Carrier

Unlike the Baby Bjorn (which is also a good carrier) this enables you to carry a child up to three years old.  It has built-in lumbar support, as well as a place for keys, wallet and a drink!  Voila! Off you both go!

Baby Bjorn Sitter 1-2-3

Baby Bjorn Sitter 1-2-3

A sturdy, award-winning bouncer that is washable and folds flat when you need to bring it to grandma’s!

Mustela Newborn Gift Pack

Mustela Newborn Gift Pack

I adore Mustela products, and this gift pack is certain to get mom and baby off to a great start!  Includes one of my favorite products EVER, Mustela Physiobebe rinseless wash.   Their sunscreen for baby is excellent as well.

Bumkin Bib Waterproof Superbib 3-pack

Bumkins Waterproof Superbib 3-Pack Dr. Suess

Bibs are essential, like diapers.  Good bibs make mom’s life that much easier, and these waterproof ones wipe clean, and rinse easily. They are made with a non-toxic, uniquely coated polyester fiber that stays bright wash after wash.Boon Squirt Baby Food Dispensing Spoon

Boon Squirt Baby Food Dispensing Spoon

There are so many cool items that didn’t exist when my son was an infant, and this is one of them.  Simply place your baby’s food in the hollow bulb and squeeze the food onto the spoon.  No more dipping back and forth into the jar! 

4 Responses to “Listmania! Great Baby Shower Gifts”

  1. dgm Says:

    And don’t forget the Baby Be of Use books:

  2. buttercup Says:

    Wow, you’ve really thought of everything Glinda! I’ll have to send this list to my daughter-in-law to see what she can use. The tote and spoon look like a really good complementary combination gift.

  3. raincoaster Says:

    That spoon is a work of genius.

    @dgm, as Fran Leibowitz says, you shouldn’t have toddlers mix your cocktails. It is unseemly and they use too much vermouth.

  4. Mindy Says:

    Heh… I totally love the “Baby Be Of Use” series.

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