Mommy, can we go to MOMA?
Sunday, January 13th, 2008By raincoaster
Have you ever faced the challenge of drumming up childish enthusiasm for a museum or art gallery visit among childrens to whom such enthusiasm cometh not naturally? Verily, it is one of the labours of Sisyphus, and not to be undertaken by the faint of heart or wavering of purpose, particularly because it usually results in a stalemate of wills and ejaculations of the “I told you, just get in the damn car already!” variety.
Worth 1000 feels your pain. To their legions of talented Photoshoppers they have given the challenge of rendering the classic works of visual art in a more kid-friendly manner. Click to see their results; we are particularly fond of the “Leonardo da Simpson,” although the tighty-whiteys render it of dubious suitability for a family blog. Instead, let us look upon the mysterious smile of the Big Mona.