Friday Caption Contest: Totally Gangsta Edition
Friday, January 11th, 2008By raincoaster
Captions in the comments, bonus points if you can speak “Playa.”
This is Brent Edwards’ totally gangsta brood.
Captions in the comments, bonus points if you can speak “Playa.”
This is Brent Edwards’ totally gangsta brood.
My son has a problem with getting carsick. Well, it’s really a problem for all of us when he groans from the back seat, “I don’t feel very good.” Then comes the panicked attempt to find a safe place to pull over before it’s too late. Usually, it’s sort of too late and I feel very badly for the little guy as he empties his stomach out on the side of the road. Sorry, maybe a bit TMI, but as we all know, exposure to a myriad of bodily fluids is just part of having a kid.
We are going on a six hour car trip next month and I am beside myself on how to help him. We already have a portable DVD player, which seems to alleviate the symptoms, although not always. His stomach seems to be a very delicate instrument that is intolerant of many traffic conditions.
And yet, this is the same child who can go around and around in my computer chair 180 times in a row and never have a problem.
I think Dramamine is a bit too draconian, but I’m not sure. I did buy those motion-sickness wristbands, and we haven’t gone anywhere far enough to see if they work yet. I did put them on him to see how tight they were, and he complained that he didn’t like them. I said, “Do you like them less than throwing up?” An answer was not forthcoming, so that usually means no.
Kids, ya gotta love ’em.
It’s either love ’em or be ready to put them out on the side of the road with a sign around their neck proclaiming, “Free to Good Home!”