WII Are Amused » Teeny Manolo

WII Are Amused

By raincoaster

WII Boxing. Wheeeeeeeee!

Truly hath it been said that the days between Christmas and New Year’s are the sweetest of the calendar, and for one reason only: presents!

You get to play with the kids’s presents.

Or is that just me? No. No, loyal reader, it is not. And how do I know this? I know this because our faithful friends across the Pond have informed me that Hunky Prince William is having the very devil of a time getting his WII out of the hands of his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Or, as we may now call her, the QuWIIn.

From People.co.uk:

William’s girlfriend Kate Middleton bought him the £200 gift for Christmas – but he now has to share it with his grandma.

A Palace source told The People: “When she saw William playing a game after lunch at Sandringham she thought the Nintendo looked tremendous fun and begged to join in.

“She played a simple ten-pin bowling game and by all accounts was a natural.

“It was hilarious. William was in fits of laughter. He was enormously impressed at having such a cool gran.

Indeed, she’s not the only one who’d like to get her hands on William’s WII.

Prince William

6 Responses to “WII Are Amused”

  1. Glinda Says:

    Oh raincoaster, you naughty girl you!

  2. Phyllis Says:

    Wills – give your Gran Super Mario Galaxy for Wii – trust me she’ll *love* it!

  3. Poochie Says:

    It was good they got some extra genes into that family.

    He is quite a dish.


  4. raincoaster Says:

    Yes indeedy, both the heir and the spare are quite hunky. My hairdresser SWEARS that’s his natural colour, but I dunno. I don’t think she got that close!

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