Wal-Mart Shows its Commitment to “Family Values”
By GlindaThe original story happened quite a while ago, but it was around Christmas and I just didn’t feel right posting about questionable teen undies at Christmas. I don’t know, call me old-fashioned. But hey, Christmas is over and now everything is fair game!
The above panties were found in the teen section of a Wal-Mart in South Carolina, as reported originally by Feministing. Apparently, what the article did not report was that on the back, the panties stated, “When You Have Santa.”
Yeah, like that makes it so much better.
After some grass-roots internet outrage, Wal-Mart pulled the panties. Fine, kudos to them. Although really, how long are three dollar panties going to last anyway? Most of the ones that sold are probably already falling apart. Maybe they thought that the panties were fine because only the girl would know what her panties said. At least, I certainly hope she would remain the only one.
So are these panties just harmless fun? Does the saying on the back make it acceptable?
And perhaps this is the biggest question, when did underwear become reading material?
January 6th, 2008 at 2:37 pm
Those are less nerve-wracking to me as the mother of two future teem girls than the microscopic thongs I see blatantly showing out the top of girls jeans now.
I’m scared to death. Underwear like this is the tip of the iceburg…are nunneries still an option??
January 6th, 2008 at 2:38 pm
That would be teen…I can’t type today.
January 6th, 2008 at 6:51 pm
I dont mind funny sayings on undies, in general. To me that would be the grown-up equivalent of sporting some superhero underoos. You’re the only one who knows it’s there but if it makes you a little more cheerful then go for it.
However, I dont think any sort of smarmy, sarcastic, gold-digger-esque phrase should grace ANY part of a young girl’s body – be it undies or t-shirts or nasty cheap sweatpants (you know the ones). So, in this case, I side with the angry villagers. Those weren’t really appropriate.
For that matter, I dont think even an adult woman should partake in things like that but at least with an adult you can assume she’s somewhat capable of “getting” the joke. Or else she’s serious about it, in which case it’s just fair warning.
January 6th, 2008 at 7:52 pm
I may be an old fart, but when did it become de rigueur for parents to tart up their underage daughters to look like porn stars? A former friend made constant protestations about how she was fiercely overprotective of her daughter’s virtue. Every Christmas since that child drew breath her parents sent out photo cards of their little scantily clad darling in extremely provocative poses, got her belly button pierced at a very tender age, and schlepped her to Brittney Spears concerts all in the name of “hip” parenting. Are people really that stupid? If you don’t want your daughter to engage in certain behaviors, then don’t let her advertise herself as someone who is available for that type of behavior.
As for the panties….even if the child is the only one who ever sees them, buying them sends the message that mom & dad condone or at least don’t condemn the sentiment. Parenting these days is a very slippery slope and I don’t think there is any room for interpretation or mixed messages. You need to let your kids know up front what the rules and acceptable standards of behavior are or deal with the consequences later on. I’m not talking chastity belts and nunneries, just good common sense and acting like a parent instead of a best friend. The kids may hate you for a while, but, trust me, they’ll get over it.
January 6th, 2008 at 8:00 pm
Hmmm…. I was recently criticized for shopping at Wal*Mart because it was a “Republican” establishment. So much for the Republicans and family values. Anything to make a buck, but Wal*Mart is not the only culprit. I wouldn’t be so against the type of thing if it were limited to an adult joke shop sort of place (for people with bad taste, of course). It’s when that type of thing goes mainstream that makes you wonder just how far crass commercialism will go. I’m sure there are plenty of teens who would think, “Well, if they sell this in Wal*mart, what’s the big deal?”
Bottom line: Perhaps, as you so aptly stated, “When did underwear become reading material?”
January 6th, 2008 at 10:05 pm
I had NO idea that was what was on the back of them.
How frickin’ sad.
January 7th, 2008 at 12:16 am
I’m sorry, ladies, but I think everyone’s over-reacting just a bit. They’re little, pink undies, not a resounding personal statement! They remind me of the little bits you can get that say things like “sexy mama”. They make you giggle and all they say about you is that you like to feel pretty. These undies basically say “I get spoiled at Chirstmas time and I like it”. Why is that offensive? They aren’t even nasty thongs or anything like it.
Anyway, I think people like to get themselves all upset about very silly things. As far as I’m concerned, if you don’t like them don’t buy them (I certainly wouldn’t – there are much cuter ones out there), but don’t throw a fit if someone else wants to.
January 7th, 2008 at 4:12 am
I’m probably the only one here who’s written a book on prostitution, so allow me to assure you that even women who use their “moneymakers” to make money find children’s underwear that suggests THEY do to be offensive. Once you’re legal, it’s up to you (in certain jurisdictions) if you invest in underwear that advertises the fact, but until you’re old enough, these should not be a part of your wardrobe.
January 7th, 2008 at 10:37 am
Some mothers are clueless. I was in the locker room with three sixth-graders, two of whom were teasing the third — “Your mom doesn’t let you wear a padded bra any more.”
What mother would put her 11-year-old in a padded bra in the first place? Why sexualize your kid?
Oh. Right. Because she’s a reflection of you.
January 7th, 2008 at 2:28 pm
I’m afraid I’m with Bellamama in not being outraged. Sure, the sentiment is ridiculous in that ‘shallow & vacuous & proud of it’ way, but I really don’t interpret it as sexual at all. Possibly it’s a cultural thing (I’m not from the States).
January 8th, 2008 at 1:37 pm
Nadine is right. I didn’t interpret them that way. In fact (how’s this for exposing my innocent upbringing?) I didn’t get it at all, until my husband pointed it out. HE was plenty outraged!
January 8th, 2008 at 6:56 pm
I don’t think these are sexual, either. Stupid and tasteless? Sure. At least they’re briefs and cover more real estate than bikini-cut or thong underwear.
January 13th, 2008 at 2:45 pm
Ortizzle: One of the Republican “family values” is that women are only for having babies or having sex with.
January 13th, 2008 at 5:37 pm
Rxl … huh? You need to get more and meet some real republican women. You may find your narrative shattered.
I am in the tasteless but harmless camp. Those undies look like cheaply china made garment which wasn’t very thought out. Furthermore in the great scheme of things … tongue rings, thongs, going commando … those undies are tame.
January 14th, 2008 at 4:27 am
I don’t like them. The message itself isn’t overtly sexual, but the placement is. Why decorate our children’s rear ends? Just like the “Pink” sweatpants, lettering in these particular areas serves only to highlight those areas, thus sexualing the person wearing them. They’re tacky enough on adults, but they’re plain creepy on kids.
January 14th, 2008 at 6:22 pm
Well, the panties made me go (O.o)…
But what really outraged me is the “it’s” in the blog entry title.
eye-tee-apostrophe-ess = it is
eye-tee-ess = possessive for it
January 14th, 2008 at 7:50 pm
Wait, wait… These are teen panties? As in for girls on the cusp of puberty, or often over it? That awkward time when girls start the path of figuring out their sexuality? My twelve year old self is stamping her feet with rage that yet again adults assumed that she can’t corrupt herself very nicely without the adults going ‘oh noes! Product marketed for youngsters with sex in it!’
Not that she’d be caught dead in something that tacky.
January 15th, 2008 at 12:13 am
@Eowyn_2, you are correct. It was a simple typo and it is fixed. But the fact that you are more outraged about the typo than the panties scares me a bit.
January 15th, 2008 at 7:04 pm
LOL you’re probably right.
But I’m much more likely to get grammar corrected than keep trashy panties out of the hands of spoiled teenyboppers.
Thank you for correcting it. 🙂