Friday Caption Contest: Spinner edition » Teeny Manolo

Friday Caption Contest: Spinner edition

By raincoaster

You know how it works, so work it in the comments!


From Mr.Din on Flickr

7 Responses to “Friday Caption Contest: Spinner edition”

  1. Ortizzle Says:

    “The Spin Doctors wondered if they had gone too far in trying to give the candidate a more youthful appearance.”

  2. Jennie Says:

    Preston Spears could feel himself being taken away as he said “Anyplace but Home, Anyplace but Home….

  3. Taunt Talli Says:

    “Dad… How are you taking the picture AND holding onto me?”

  4. Bellamama Says:

    A young James Barry finding inspiration… “I can fly!”

  5. gemdiva Says:

    While most kids dreamed of running away to join the circus, Timmy dreamed of running away from the circus. Especially at rehearsal time

  6. bmom Says:

    “Wee! Wee!” …barf.

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