Friday Caption Contest: Sinister Santa edition
Friday, December 21st, 2007By raincoaster
No, I don’t mean scary. I mean SINISTER! Hearkening back to our Halloween Costumes of the Great Old Ones, this marvelously crafted portrait of Cthulhu, the best piece of eldritch and abhorrent Elder Gods art you’ll see this holiday season, is the work of Amy Rawson of Thirdroar and her boyfriend, which we found via the reliably bizarre Neatorama.
Ye knowest the drille: Captions in the commentes, Elder Signs in the pockettes.
And just for bonus points, here’s a Cthulhu Cthristmas tale
and some Cthulhu Ctharols.
By the way, we will be “keeping the season” with our friends in the early part of next week, so posting may be a bit slower and commenting a bit touchier than normal. It’s the “indigestion,” you know.