2007 » December » 21 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for December 21st, 2007

Friday Caption Contest: Sinister Santa edition

Friday, December 21st, 2007
By raincoaster

No, I don’t mean scary. I mean SINISTER! Hearkening back to our Halloween Costumes of the Great Old Ones, this marvelously crafted portrait of Cthulhu, the best piece of eldritch and abhorrent Elder Gods art you’ll see this holiday season, is the work of Amy Rawson of Thirdroar and her boyfriend, which we found via the reliably bizarre Neatorama.

Ye knowest the drille: Captions in the commentes, Elder Signs in the pockettes.

Cthulhu Santa

And just for bonus points, here’s a Cthulhu Cthristmas tale
and some Cthulhu Ctharols.

By the way, we will be “keeping the season” with our friends in the early part of next week, so posting may be a bit slower and commenting a bit touchier than normal. It’s the “indigestion,” you know.

The View is Fine From Here

Friday, December 21st, 2007
By Glinda

Boy’s Christmas Sweater


Today is a day for sitting on the fence.

I don’t know if it is because being sick for over a week has worn me down, or if there has just been too much to do and not enough time to do it.

But today, I am going to have an absolute non-opinion. 

About Christmas sweaters for kids.

In their favor, they usually have bright colors and I am always a sucker for a sweater.  Probably because I live where you can comfortably wear a sweater for about one month out of the year.  I’m sure if we could wear them all the time, their charms would be minimized.

Not in their favor are gaudy designs and just the fact that I am not an overly “cutesie” type of person, even when it comes to children’s clothing.  Even when the Munchkin was very young, I resisted putting him in items with dogs and trucks all over them.  I’m just ornery like that.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not in favor of adults wearing Christmas sweaters.  Maybe if you are over 60 I will cut you a bit of slack.  You know, if it was a gift from your grandkids or something. But really, seeing someone dressed in one does not in any way, shape, or form put me in the holiday spirit.  In fact, despite their general ugliness, they tend to be rather expensive.  Unless you go the way of the Christmas sweatshirt, and then all kinds fugly can be unleashed thanks to the miracle of silkscreening.

So, this year will not find the Munchkin in a sweater with Santa or reindeers or snowmen.  But, if I see a three year old in one, I will probably smile and think she is cute.

Nope, I’ve got some pre-shrunk Italian wool sweaters, and those sound perfect to me. 

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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