A Child’s Christmas Podcast in Wales » Teeny Manolo

A Child’s Christmas Podcast in Wales

By raincoaster

A Child’s Christmas in Wales

Hark to the beautiful, bountiful baritone of Dylan Thomas, y’all, reading his own Christmas classic, A Child’s Christmas in Wales. So, which part is your favorite? I’ve got a weakness for the “junior firemen” and their prompt, enthusiastic action in the face of a rather dramatic turning point in the narrative.

(not exactly Wordless for Wednesday, am I? Oh well, I always was a contrarian!)

6 Responses to “A Child’s Christmas Podcast in Wales”

  1. Bellamama Says:

    Hooray for my favorite Christmas book! We grew up with my dad reading it to us every Christmas Eve (since our family comes from Wales). I love phrases like “eternal ever since Wednesday” and “Hudson Bay off Mumbles Road.”
    But I think my favorite is Auntie Hannah (Who liked Port) standing in the “snowbound backyard singing like a big bossomed thrush!” Auntie Hannah is truly great entertainment.

  2. raincoaster Says:

    Glad you liked it. I just can’t get enough of his voice: he could give Alan Rickman a run for his money, don’t you think?

    PS: it’s not supposed to autoplay! I’ll see if I can fix that.

  3. The Bruce Says:

    Yes, PLEASE stop the autoplay! The bloody thing’s WELL down on the site now, and it’s a helluva’ shock when ol’ Dylan starts emoting at one at ten p.m.

    Hallucinations ain’t in it.

  4. raincoaster Says:

    You say that like it’s BAD!

  5. Glinda Says:

    He does indeed have a very melodious voice, but I second The Bruce!

  6. raincoaster Says:

    I tried, God Knows I tried. All we can do now is post like maniacs and push it off the front page.

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