Friday Caption Contest: Naughty and Nice edition » Teeny Manolo

Friday Caption Contest: Naughty and Nice edition

By raincoaster

You know how it works, so work it in the comments, my friends. This darling image was stolen from the limitlessly-amusing Scared of Santa gallery from the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, to which you are encouraged to upload your own photos: currently, the count stands at 152 and rising.

Naughty or Nice

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13 Responses to “Friday Caption Contest: Naughty and Nice edition”

  1. Awesome Mom Says:

    A young Manolo started crying when he noticed that Santa was wearing a floral print shirt with striped stockings.

  2. gemdiva Says:

    Rebecca didn’t care if he did smell like old sweat socks and garlic, she wanted a Barbie Dream House and was determined to smile until she got one. Her brother Mikey, however seemed a shoe-in for coal.

  3. patois Says:

    One nice little girl will be getting lots from Santa. The naughty little boy? Not so much.

  4. Liz Says:

    Mine is similar to patois’.

    The little girl says, “quick take the picture. I’m being good so I get all the presents!”

  5. Taunt Talli Says:

    “That’s right, keep crying. All the more presents for me.”

  6. Bellamama Says:

    “Would you like a pretty dolly for Christmas this year?”

  7. Robyn Says:

    Parking-$8. Full Photo Package-$23. Having this photo to show to all of Tyler’s future girlfriends-Priceless.

  8. Sonia Says:

    Little Susie – pretty new doll
    Little Johnny – lump of coal
    Santa – bourbon, straight up

  9. Liz Says:

    Strange. Taunt Talli’s caption is exactly like mine, which I don’t see here…(not that mine was all that original after patois’).

  10. raincoaster Says:

    Maybe it got eaten by the spam filter?

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