Angels and Demons » Teeny Manolo

Angels and Demons

By Glinda

If Dan Brown Only Knew

It ain’t just the title of a book, my friends.

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13 Responses to “Angels and Demons”

  1. the108 Says:

    What a sweetie!!

  2. Natalie Says:

    Oh my goodness! That’s funny! 🙂

    My Wordless Wednesday is up too! 🙂

  3. shesawriter Says:

    Cute little boy! 🙂

    Happy WW!

    My Wordless Wednesday

  4. Melanie Says:

    Oh no! He looks like one handful….glad my kids aren’t in that stage anymore. lol
    Happy WW! 🙂

  5. Shelia Says:

    But it does make for cuteness personified, LOL! Happy WW!

  6. Phyllis Says:

    Are those stitches on his forehead?

  7. Secret Agent Mama Says:

    HAHA! Very Funny!!

  8. Glinda Says:

    This was his “scary” face that we encouraged him to make last year after trying to get a Christmas picture after his school recital. Thus, the tinsel halo. I don’t normally go around putting tinsel on my kid’s head. Unless I’m really bored.

    And Phyllis, those aren’t stitches but a nasty, nasty scrape he got from trying to leap headfirst onto the swings at school and missing.

  9. genny Says:

    He looks cute but funny…. heheh

  10. Heidi Says:

    Just lost my comment! Perhaps its the gel causing the face!

  11. Phyllis Says:

    Whew! I was worried there.

  12. raincoaster Says:

    No, I think that red mark is the scar from the de-horning!

  13. patois Says:

    A dude with tude. My kind of guy.

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