Happy Hanukkah!
Tuesday, December 4th, 2007By Glinda
My son loves taking a bath. I established an unwavering night-time routine early on, and it actually upsets him a bit to miss out on his second-favorite part of getting ready for bed. The winner being the bedtime story and snuggle. Of course!
I have found Alex bath toys to be well-made, colorful, and they allow your child to be creative in the tub. Because bathtime is more than just getting clean, it’s the last chance to play for the day!
The cuteness a-bounds!
Stolen from Seismic Twitch
Maybe Bambi would behave better on this?
(Looking for the TeenyManolo Sweepstakes? Go here)
I was clothes shopping for my son not too long ago. They had a promotion going, where if you bought three of the same shirt style, you could get them for $15 or some such deal that was hard to pass up. He really needed shirts for school, and these were perfect.
For some reason, I can never find my son’s size in the colors and styles that I want, and this time was no exception. I had a navy blue and a mustard yellow shirt, but the red was a size too small. They had nothing else.
That’s when I heard it.
It seemed to be emanating from the bottom of the shelf. I bent down a bit and said, “Who are you?”
“Gliiiindaaaa, I am the white shirt, forlornly folded along with my ignored brethren. No one will buy me.”
“For good reason,” I snapped. “Don’t you know that I have a five year old? And why are you talking to me like you are a ghost?”
“Weellll… Ahem, you’re right, there is no real reason to talk like a ghost. I just thought, you know, white, ghost… It was a theme. Never mind.”
“Ok, I get it, but you know I can’t buy you. A five year old in a white shirt is just asking for trouble.”
“But Glinda, I match everything. You live in a warm, sunny climate. And, you know that you are pathologically unable to buy two of the same shirt in the same color.”
“Ha! If you know that much about me, then you also know I am pathologically concerned about clean shirts. And I have a better chance at winning the lottery than you staying clean for longer than ten minutes. Tops.”
“One word, Glinda. Bleach.”
“Oh fine. I just know I’m going to regret this.”
And sure enough, today that white shirt became toast. From spilled blueberries, to marker, to dirt, it is now relegated to “at home” wear.
Curse you, white shirt! May you never darken, or uh, whiten my doorstep again!
Maybe I’ll give you another chance when he hits high school. Maybe. But you’ll have to do some pretty sweet talking.
(Looking for the TeenyManolo Sweepstakes? Go here)
As my co-blogger Glinda has remarked elsewhere, Christmas movies tend to bring out the opinionated in everyone, for good or for bad, for richer, for poorer, for That Jimmy Stewart Movie or agin it…you get the picture. Now, from Socialist Canuckistan(I know, it’s like Canadian week around here lately!) comes a new entry into the Classic Christmas Cinema Stakes, one guaranteed to generate either love or loathing: Breakfast with Scot.
Speaking for myself, I think it quite obvious that, as far as superfantasticness, Scot here has it in spades, aces, diamonds and also clubs (once he turns 18 in most of Canada, of course!). And Eric is cute, too, although neither of them exactly fly my airline, if you catch my drift.
I’ll just let MadAboutMovies sum it up for you:
This movie … nails the sometimes exasperating, sometimes rewarding experience of raising kids. Best of all, we get to laugh about the experience while respecting it. Add in the situational comedy arising from two gay parents unprepared to raise a gay – or at the very least, highly effeminate – child and you have a unique perspective setting this movie apart from its genre mates.
Breakfast with Scot’s inner storyline explores identity. Eric, a former NHL hockey player for the Maple Leafs and now a sportscaster, isn’t quite Out and isn’t quite In. He’s also a scrapper, something he doesn’t seem comfortable with, and selfish, something he does seem comfortable with. Against the mirror of a child who’s more comfortable being gay than he is, Eric is forced to decide exactly what kind of a person he wants to be. This storyline is complimented by Scot, the child who knows what he wants to be but not how to act in society…the script is golden with children’s dialog that rings true, characters with depth, and funny moments that are not cruel or demeaning.
In a year that seems starved of seasonally-themed cinematic offerings, this one is worth keeping an eye out for. Those Canucks can’t keep anything to themselves for long!
The Playoffs will be accessorized!
(Looking for the TeenyManolo Sweepstakes? Go here)