2007 » December » 01 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for December 1st, 2007

oh noes! i r cot!

Saturday, December 1st, 2007
By raincoaster

Lolrus trilogy

(Looking for the TeenyManolo Sweepstakes? Go here)

And Here I Thought The Stroller Was Bad

Saturday, December 1st, 2007
By Glinda

So, so wrong

My friends, this is just wrong on SO MANY LEVELS.

This is an actual product sold at a very popular pet supply source.  Talk about treating your pet like a baby, there is now a “Kitty Bjorn” for you to indulge your delusional self with.

Is having to hold your cat’s ass on the entire walk worth it?  I dunno.

All I can say is that anyone who puts their cat in this thing deserves exactly what they get. 

Which may or may not include scratches to the groin. 

(Looking for the TeenyManolo Sweepstakes? Go here)


Have a Ball

Saturday, December 1st, 2007
By Glinda



There is a very cool ice cream maker called the MEGA Ice Cream Maker Ball.  Basically, it makes the ice cream by having you roll the ball around on the floor, grass, or horizontal surface of your choice to mix the ingredients.  You can leave the kids to it, or the whole family can participate, based on your boredom level.

I know it’s winter, but how many kids do you know that turn down homemade ice cream? 

(Looking for the TeenyManolo Sweepstakes? Go here)


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