and now for a little interspecies duet » Teeny Manolo

and now for a little interspecies duet

By raincoaster

Stolen from CityRag. Which is less tolerable? The baby’s crying or the dog’s?

4 Responses to “and now for a little interspecies duet”

  1. Glinda Says:

    My son thought that was the funniest thing he’s seen in a while.

  2. raincoaster Says:

    Glad he liked it. Is that not the creepiest dog you’ve ever seen? He looks like one of those Martians whose brain is too big for a normal skull.

  3. class-factotum Says:

    The dog is definitely more annoying. At least a baby will stop crying (usually) if his needs are addressed. You’d have to shoot the dog. Not that I would mind that.

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