2007 » November » 14 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for November 14th, 2007


Wednesday, November 14th, 2007
By raincoaster


Who Says Girls Get to Have All the Fun?

Wednesday, November 14th, 2007
By Glinda

Girls don’t get to have all the fun playing with dolls action figures. I found a great site that features one man’s quest to perfectly accessorize and customize his G.I. Joe action figure collection. All of these were done by him, and I am simply like the gallery owner showcasing the beautiful pieces of art.

For example:

Love that sweater!

Look at that custom-made fisherman’s sweater! That is awesome and I want one for myself.

He’s blue all right

Is he not perfect? And dude, check the loafers.

A true renaissance man

And finally, the hunky Renaissance Man who will steal Barbie away from Ken forever with his studly duds and beautiful music.

It’s All in the Details

Wednesday, November 14th, 2007
By Glinda


I don’t know about you, but in my neck of the woods, you cannot drive anywhere without seeing those stick-figure family decals on cars. They always look the same to me, those decals.  There is never any variety, just your standard woman with a badly drawn dress, boy with baseball cap, little girl with pigtails, all so truly yawn-inducing.

Unbeknownst to many, there are plenty of opportunities to be a bit more, descriptive, if you will.  After all, this is the MySpace and Twitter era, where your penchant for collecting Troll Dolls and what you ate for breakfast are considered news-worthy. I think the least we can do is put some creative stickers on the backs of our cars.

So if you really want to entertain the people who are stuck behind you in traffic, these are for you.

Are you a less-than-skilled cyclist and don’t care who knows it? 


Want to let everyone in on your electric socket fetish?


Do you have a big crybaby in the family and don’t mind branding them for life?


Feel like flaunting the size of your hose?

Worthy of a spam email

Got a rabbit vicious enough for a starring role in a Monty Python film?

Killer Rabbit!

This one you can just slap on the car in between contractions.

It’s all your fault!

And lastly, who doesn’t have a clown or two in the family?


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