2007 » November » 09 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for November 9th, 2007

Friday Caption Contest

Friday, November 9th, 2007
By raincoaster

You know how it works, so work it in the comments section. For fame, for glory, for Spartaaaaaa!


Picture heartlessly stolen from BellowToYou

If you want a portion of your munchkin’s modeling porfolio featured in the Friday Caption Contest, just email it to raincoaster at gmail dot com and the image, with appropriate linkage,will be given a spot in our highly-competitive posting queue.

Mine Liked Cheerios

Friday, November 9th, 2007
By Glinda

Suri loves the snacks!

For some reason, this picture is greatly reassuring.

Because even mega-millionaire movie stars like Tom and Katie Cruise have to carry around sippy cups, the blankie, pair of shoes their toddler threw off in a fit of pique, and the de rigueur cup o’ puffed snack.

Footwear Friday

Friday, November 9th, 2007
By Glinda

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the… wait, this is supposed to be about shoes. I have become a fan of De Osu shoes, which are hand-crafted in, you guessed it, Spain. Yes, they are a bit expensive, but the price is not unreasonable for shoes that weren’t mass produced in a country that rhymes with, uh, nevermind. No sense turning this into a Seinfeld episode.

Take for example, these infant/toddler dress shoes:


Red velvet perfection for the holidays!


How much do I love these?


Gorgeous! I want some for me, forget the toddler crowd!

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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